Inspiring Minds Building Headquarters in Warren

For more than a decade Inspiring Minds has been helping kids find a path to success and they’ll soon have a new place to do it.
Founder and CEO Deryck Toles gave an update on their new facility which is a 25-thousand square foot building in Warren.
Nearly one million of the 1.5 million dollar project has been raised.
The first phase is finished which houses classrooms, administrative offices, and a reception area.
Toles says the program continues to expand and is having amazing success.
“I think sometimes when you grow up in tough situations, it’s so easy to get caught in front of you and to sometimes be closed minded on things you can accomplish and I think our program allows young people to get outside of Warren, think outside the box and figure out what success is to them,” says Toles.
Phase two will include additional classrooms, cafeteria, auditorium, and a kitchen.
The third phase will add a gym to the facility.
The building is expected to be completed by December, but Inspiring minds is looking for donors to help complete the project.
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Phase 2 –
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